Where there once was light
I shined
Before the war of age
and appearance,
Where there once was time
there was joy
in all the things I loved
Be it small or large in heart,
Where there once was you
I was lost
in a sea of indifference
or doubt to dabble in,
Where there once was sleep
I was awake
for everything that needed me
I was stone foundation to stand on,
Where there once was intoxication
I was pure
in thought and body
I was never divided or diluted by pain,
Where there once was confusion
I was clear
as a spring fed river
with minerals to keep me on the straight,
Where there once was a "once upon a time"
I was fine falling in line
or falling in love
but deception now follows me
like a flea to the wolf pack
or a static charge to a load of laundry,
It's there in the air
with hope's kind company
but our dreams can not manifest
and our seven year old selves
are lost under a godless wanting,
I just want to be content
but that is easier said than a war seldom won with words