You were always there
To whipe away my tears
You took my hand
And erased my fears
As sisters we fight
As sisters we cry
As sisters we love
As sisters we die
But you've gone away
And left me in the dust
You were always someone
I thought I could trust
As sisters we scream
As sisters we give
As sisters we hate
As sisters we live
This trust
This love
As sisters we hugged
As sisters we smiled
As sisters we laughed
As sisters subside
Author's Notes/Comments:
For my sister.. Because a lot has been happening to us lately, and as much as I love her, I hate her right now. She left me a long time ago, and she hasn't come back. She's too wrapped up in her life, just like she was back when we were younger. She used to always tell me how bad she felt for neglecting me like she did, and for treating me like total shit, when I loved her more then anyone. She doesn't realize that she's doing it to me again. This time, unlike when I was little, I understand what she's doing. And it hurts, like a bitch.