You called me up tonight
Took me by suprise
But I still won't see you in a different light
Won't give you what you want
Besides you have her now
And you don't need me anymore
But you still seem to want me there
Does that mean I'm not like the others
When you said I was your best friend
Did you mean it
When you said I ment alot to you
Did you mean it
When you looked at me and smiled
Did you mean it
I think you ment it
Author's Notes/Comments:
For Bobby. He's going back out with his ex-girlfriend now. I thought he'd want nothing to do with me anymore but he called me tonight and asked if I wanted to do anything tomorrow. He once told me that I was one of the only girls he could trust and that I was one of his best friends and that I ment alot to him. I didn't believe him at the time. I thought it was just a line to get into my pants. But even though his bitch girlfriend doesn't want him to see me anymore, he still insists. It makes me wonder.