
We sat in the hospital

Hoping for the best

Waiting for the answer

With heavy hearts and heaving chests

And when we were finally told

That the little baby had died

I couldn't hold my head up

I sat there and I cried

He was so small and so bright eyed

Like a baby of my own

You couldn't get him out of my arms

He was so tiny and not very old

It pushed me far and off the edge

It made me so crazy to know

I'd never be able to hold him again

I'd never be able to see him grow

No favorite color

Or TV show

He'll never know his older brother

And he'll never scrape his knee

He'll never taste his baby food

He'll never ask, "Please?"

But the part that really gets me

Is that I'll never hear him talk

I'll never teach him the things I wanted

He'll never get to walk

So Josh, if you can hear me

Somehow let me know

I love you sweet baby

And I'll never let you go

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is for my nephew who died of suffocation.

April 5, 2004-June 9, 2004. REST IN PEACE BABY JOSH

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