
I'm sworn to silence,

Where the hell are you?

I sit here crying,

But there's nothing I can do.

And maybe soon this'll blow over,

And you'll come back to where you belong.

You'll realize that you've got real friends,

I've been there for you all along.

Or maybe I'll wake up and realize this is a dream,

No, a nightmare, like I'm trapped inside a room,

With no way to see you and you're comforting smile,

Or hear your words just want to hear your voice for a while.

I'll come and get you some day soon,

I'll save you from that hell.

You won't ever have to go back,

For as long as you're there, your face haunts my dreams.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

IMM Mikey. No he's not dead, but he's somewhere else. And the bad thing is I won't get to see him for another 2 years. I miss him already and it's only been a couple of weeks. And no matter how pissed me made me I'll always consider him a best friend.

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