Push for Knowledge

Knowlegde is seductive

and yet ignorance is bliss

as we search for more answers why do we repeatedly want to forget what we learn

in humanity's search for perfection some prefer to be idle

someone told me perfection was like a river, vast and endless but also dangerous to manuver to and through

progress brings forth growth and growth brings prosperity

progress brings forth growth and growth bring inequality

life will always favour those who take the bad in strie but push on trying to discover more

we cant have the good without the bad

i believe that knowlegde is a blessing that should be indulged in moderation and ith maturity

as we continually raise the bar and the limits of our collective knowlegde there will be those who embrace it as we should but there will also be those who fear it

i also believe true perfection is impossible

but if perfection is like a river, we may never get to sail on it but we will get close enough to see our reflection

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