I want to grab you by the mouth and pull you close!
Feel the need course through me
in my veins
in my heart
through my body.
I feel you course through me
in my veins
in my heart
through my body.
I cannot smile without your smile!
Cannot feel the breeze without your skin!
I am guilty of trespassing on forbidden territory,
but I must feed off you, must have you.
I'd like to pull your tiny lips against mine,
and crush them with full force,
until they are red from sweet kisses.
Hope floods my stomach as you sweep through the room
next to my shoulder
behind me
and still I feel like I am waiting.
For history.
For time.
For a sign to tell me I am wrong.
There is no waiting!
There are only you and I
and this giant life before us.
I want to smush the distance between us into little pebbles
and skip them against the surface
of a hot summer afternoon
where no one can move around and tell us what to do.
I want you.