I told them I wished I was never born.
And they said,
"don't say that!" "You don't mean that!"
But I told them the truth.
From a little broken heart,
small enough to fit in a 6 year old's hands,
I wished I was never born.
Sat, dreamed, thought about
the fact that I could have never been.
Every night of the drunken outbursts
I believed that I was still an egg without a sperm,
still a twinkle in the stars.
Every slap across the face,
I hoped that I was experiencing some out of body experience
not a life that I wished against.
I wished I was never born.
Each night of my existance
I am reminded
I am THE reminder
that life could have gone on.
He wouldn't have been trapt,
she wouldn't have suffered.
I believe that I could have changed time,
If I hadn't of been born.
No, life would not have been the same.
All these if's running down my back,
pulling a marathon over my eyes and concluding
that I was right.
Life might have been better without me,
but it would still suck just the same.