Thank You, Teacher


Teacher, you are a blessing

to all your students here.

You've given of yourself so much

all throughout the year.

It must be a dedication

a sort of driving force.

To be able to teach a child so much

and keep them right on course.

I hear it in my child's voice

and I see it in her face.

When she speaks of you with love

I know you'll be hard to replace.

So Thank You, Teacher, for all you've done

in helping my child to grow.

I know she's all the better for

the knowledge you did bestow.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written: 06/04/02
For my daughter's 2'nd grade teacher back in 2002. I presented her with a framed copy and had read this piece out loud to her on the last day of school durimg the class party.

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