This, My Darkest Place

The Dark Side


One with my shadows,
when day becomes dim,
I open that passage,
to enter alone, within'.


No one, save me,
walks these floors-
where there are no windows,
where there are no doors.


No way out,
no way to be free,
of all that remains,
in this haunting of me.


Chained to these walls,
of not my own making.
No measuring the hurt,
nor the tolls they have taken.


In here, I scream,
unto dead ears.
In here, I cry,
blinded by tears.


Out there, is cruel,
in day, still no light.
For sorrow blocks out,
all that is bright.


In here, is a solace,
from that which I face.
In here, is my abyss,
in this, my darkest place.


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