My poor mind
seems so muddled
can't think clear,
I'm so befuddled!
Fuzzy head
my memory is shot...
what was I saying?
It seems I've forgot!
Oh yes, my mind
that's so lately devoid
of simple thought-
how it has me annoyed!
Where did I put this?
What have I done with that?
Can't find anything
no idea where they are at!
Words come out wrong
bass-ackwards spelled!
Lately I'm not
very together held!
Appointments Forget em!!!
Because I sure do!
I need me a date book-
probably two!
Cause for sure I'd misplace it,
somewhere nearby.
I'd swear I had seen it
from the corner of my eye!
But nothing is is ever there,
where I was sure it was placed.
I search until frustration
has me so red-faced!
I'd pay very good money
for a memory potion,
because its seems that lately,
I HAVE the foggiest notion!