You Broke What Was Left



You took what was left,

Of all he had destroyed.

Then you broke me some more,

Leaving an even bigger void.


Your words were just lies,

Of empty promises you made.

You use your tongue like a knife,

To cut me down and degrade.


You turn dark and so sullen,

And so hurtful and mean.

You are so not the person,

That I knew as a teen.


I was foolish and needy,

So I clung to your lies,

But now all I have is more pain,

And more tears in my eyes.


You say you demand respect,

Yet you don't reciprocate that,

You call me curses and ugly,

And you repeatedly call me, fat.


So when I finally fight back,

You act indignant and mad.

Yet don't see how you hurt me,

How you've made me this sad.


You bait me with actions,

That cut me to the core,

Then you yell and scream,

Trying to hurt me some more.


Everything I told you he did,

You first said was so wrong,

Yet, you've done it all and more too,

So I guess you hated me all along.


All I wanted was to be happy

With the love of my youth.

I guess I was so blinded by that,

I couldn't see the real truth.


That you never loved me

And that you never will.

I was so stupid back then

I guess I'm so stupid now, still.



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