i am sorry you don't seem to 'get' me. i couldn't be more sorry that time after time i make myself vulnerable to you, you talk about me, so confidant and sure of yourself when you have filp-flopped and wrong. i feel bad that you can't seem to wrap you mind around and extent your heart to try and attemtp to understand something you don't understand and comperhend. i'm sorry that your superfical inspection of me was complelty inaccurate. though you had a lot of supposely nice words and gestures, it seems you put them on for yourself. i'm sorry you can't give. i'm sorry that you do not satisfy or please me. i'm sorry that your limitations prevent you form grasping forgin consepts that are ingrained in the fundamentals of my verying being. most of all right now i am sorry that you proved yourself a liar when you told me 'i love you and there's nothing you can do about it'. and even more then that i am sorry it took less then a 5 minute duration to prove i could.