
it's in the way that the rain falls,

at 2:38 am

the way that the sky, bleached, contains my hearts enamored plastic coating

every part of me is in that rain

it is on the roof, beating, beating

that's how i spend my life,

i've taught myself to follow your lead

i don't know what i am anymore,

but the rain that weeps, pours for no one else

i identify with that

i want to be your home

i want to shelter you from my own storm

stillness speaks

that friday when the world stopped spinning

when the girl stopped listening

when the nemeses was my old helpless friend

when the stranger asked me to dance

when i lost well-deserved interest in importance

when the dogs owner became jealous

when i didn't hear him speaking

so what do i do when you re-pay your re-paying, and you still don't trust my vacuous harm

i will cry rose petals, and sleep on my emotions like shattered pearls

cinderella cut her foot on the glass slipper, the stillness speaks

the blood runs, the way i never could

and i am trapped in this bottle, only to hear

the way the rain falls

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