Hope ..... 27Jan06...18May16

Hope won't leave me

But it's not here

It's circling me like a vulture, rather

Will it wait for me to die and pick at my bones?

Oh, Hope.

Oh, Hell, Oh, Hope

Oh Hell, Hope.


I think I feel I want to push Hope away

But this pushback-play

Leaves unresolved, all mannars of feelings

Do feelings have mannars?

Certainly, I think Not.

Not on that Spot where I'd make you Froze


Perhaps this over-tired jittery madness means 

you've got what you wished for and I've finally dozed...

but I'm tired and so damn awake

There's no Hope, No?

But all of these stakes

It's biting barely, a slow acid eating at me and returning


In this state 'fraid I'm left to conclude that 

Hope is a vulture circling and returning to me

It wants to eat at my morals and the morsals of me

I long and I Hope, and I can't breake free

fighting this, tired of this

leaves a crumbled up me



Hope hasn't bitten- it's biting

And I'm so sick of it, please


I can't please you or anyone 

So just let me be


Oh, Hell.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

We should have Hoped. It was Hope. I'm so stupid and Stubborn.

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