The Search

Once upon a time, on a December 1st, all of the animals at the jungle Wacamongo woke up really worried. The sky looked entirely orange. There was a rumor supposedly told by the tiger king George XI, who died 100 years ago, admired by many, that when the sky looks completely orange on the first day, completely green on the second day and on the third and last day, purple, it would be the end of the world. Everyone on Wacamongo knew about that rumor. The elephant, Willy, woke up and decided to find his daughter, Luisa, who was on a trip with her friends on the mountain Gova. While out of his home, the outside world was deserted. No animal could be found outside and elephant realized that everyone was together with their families, making him feel sad about not being with Luisa in the last days of Earth. The elephant continued its journey at a steady pace, mountain Gova was just miles away. Hours passed and he finally arrived to Lake Baldu, which was just 2 miles away from his destination.

While drinking water, Willy saw a shadow behind the bushes getting nearby. It a beautiful young cheetah, which was a bit odd since they have never be seen in this place before. The cheetah came over to him and said, “Oh thank goodness! I’m Beatrice, and finding you is the best thing that has happened  to me all day, I thought I was alone in this world!” the elephant looked at her with a confused look. “Wait, you haven’t seen anyone aside from me all day?” Willy replied. He saw the desperation that filled the cheetah’s eyes and took a look down into her stomach. She looked like she hadn’t eaten all day, making him scared at the possibility that she would act impulsively and eat him.

"Yes... I haven’t seen a single animal in all day. I woke up and my family was gone, so I’ve been trying to find them all day. The end is coming and I wish I could at least see them one more time.” Beatrice said. This sparked and idea into the elephant’s head. “I’m looking for my family as well. My daughter Luisa went to a trip to Gova and I hope to find her there.... Hey why don’t we team up and try to find them in Gova? Is there a chance they’re there?” Willy said. “Hmmm... Gova.... Maybe... We went there some months ago to hunt and it is a place I haven’t looked at yet... Yes, I’ll come with you.” Said the cheetah. 

They went on to the mountain and climbed for hours hoping for a sign to find their families. The cheetah was tired and hungry, so Willy helped her climb by holding her with his trunk. After hours of search and thinking they wouldn’t find them, a sound was heard. They heard footsteps and saw a little cheetah. “SUBAAA!” Beatrice cried. It was her family and soon after them Luisa appeared. Both animals reencountered their families and thanked one another for the help. 

Then the elephant knew: With teamwork and determination incredible things can happen. 

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