I should.

As I laid down naked in the bathroom floor, I felt and heard the water of the shower, the cold thick water drops hitting my face reminded me of how long I had been lying there but my body was useless unable to get up. No one was there to help me, and one will come. I felt lonely and desperate I should have traveled more instead of buying expensive clothes to impress people I didn't even like, I should have studied what I loved and not what my father wanted, I should have married the man I loved instead of one that gave me money. All those thoughts rumbled in my head and as I slipped in and out of consciousness in one moment of clarity I realized that through my life I was never truly happy so many regrets I should have eaten that piece of cake for breakfast or asked for the number of the cute guy I say on the train station when I was 17, I should have said I'm sorry and I love you but I left you because I was scared and now lying in this wet floor it is too late to eat  the cake or to tell you who I fell because no one will come and I am dying. 

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