My grandmother´s red lips.


It doesn't matter whether it is summer or winter, spring or fall, my grandmother will always wear the same shade of red lipstick. She is short, not more than one fifty-five, her face is white almost pale full of wrinkles due to her age, she has small brown eyes that disappear when she smiles just like mine, her chocolate hair is straight and short but what really stands out from her face are those perfectly painted red lips.The scarlet red on her thin lips is not shiny, but still it manages to capture everyone's attention, usually, people found themselves staring at her lips while she is talking instead of looking at her eyes. My grandpa used to say that those lips were his curse and that he will do everything they asked him to, usually, he ended up talking about this after a few drinks. As a little kid I used to like to stay the night at my grandmother's house, In the mornings I could always count on a delicious breakfast and a red warm smile. My grandmother's red lipsticks are all over her house you can find them in every drawer and closet, and in every single bag and purse she owns, they are all the same color just different brands. The red paint on her lips is the cause of the stains in her clothes and of the permanent red edge in her cup of coffee, they are also guilty of leaving a big red mark on my cheek every time she kisses me. It always amazes me the ease with which she can paint her lips, in a moving car or without light she always gets perfect results even after she lost part of her eyesight due to diabetes. Throughout all these years I have heard a variety of funny and rude jokes about the red lips, but now that I put some thought into her red lips I do not longer found them funny, I think they are mysterious and full of stories how many words, songs, poems have this red lips pronounced? How many different mouths and cheeks have they kissed?, How many different foods have they ate?. I have asked my grandmother several times what was that made her paint her lips red? She only half smiles as if she is hiding something and tells me that it is because red is her favorite color.

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