School Disco

I had a school disco style imagination

Serious perms

Serious semis

Fancy hats

I bathed in the mad milk of the imagination

of that night

I imagined a smoky mirror to look at

I smoked in it

in my imagination in a fancy hat

in that night

I have Cindi Lauper to thank

for my dreams

and time to thank

for my hairy face

and my imagination to thank me

for Cindi Lauper smoking

in the bathroom

in the hairy - toothed dreamings

of that night

I have a lot to be grateful for

and more to drink for

blessed with an '80s imagining

I have tender scabby elbows tonight

(in this night) I sweat much

beneath a disco ball

I rotate drunk in the night

There are countless mucky

hang out spots in the mind

not drunken not smoky

in the mad midnight mirror of the mind

but I can't go back

I had 20 smokes when I started

to write

I have more than that now

lungsfull of fun

but I can't go back to

the denim disco night

husky drunken diseased and unreal

in the frightening, trembling fantasies

of forgotten funky nights

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