When a Star Comes Down From Heaven

When Heavens change their minds

and blackhole starpools eddy,

When winds disturb the catacombs

and sheets of spiderwebs from sleep,

When Sulphur's claws unhook

and tear the black veneer of sky

The sparkling suns of stars

become a mine under the earth.

If my head's also skylocked  

- or I'm fishing from the moon

And I come screaming down with stars

and shipwreck on the earth,

My mouth still holds that tender glow,

that fleeting stardrenched kiss,

The sugar speckled cinder burns

do not fall from my lips.

Every movement, every magic,

all charity resides there

With the voids existing also -

they are bodies in themselves

And they hang up their in silence

sentient, without mouths

Where they dream and they are jealous

and they just won't share their food.

A paradise exists up in

the candleabra night,

Astounding Supernovae catch your dreams

and steal your sleep,

Stark dwarves of crimson blood collude,

beat rhythms on the skull;

Yet we must fall out with ecstacy

we serve the call of gravity.

We are up there sometimes,

on lightyear pendelum swings

And we go cracking atmospheres,

with dustwaves in our wake.

Just bring home those cadances,

don't leave them to the stars.

Break that holy monopoly

for magic is also ours.

When a star comes down from Heaven,

don't let it's light go out,

Grasp desperately at those furnaces,

tear off a glowing splinter

So that down in the depths of every day

hope can still survive,

Make every second sparkle,

stop waiting for light to arrive.

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