within my eyes

deep witihin some fantasy, on some uncharted desert island there was a man

hoping with all his might that someone would save him from this nightmare

insert cheesy title and b grade actors to fill the roles

someone had to be kidding me right, had my life become more complex

or was everything becoming painstakingly simple

it seemed as though my diffculty was far less what had brought me here...

and more of what it was that was keeping me here, was it all myself?

or was there someone else to blame... it feels better when you can just blame someone else

but to look at yourself in all earnesty and make a judgment, now that is a challenge

who would have ever thought i would be in this place... maybe they were right...

maybe i needed to spend time in that hospital, and eat drugs from the nurse fairy so i would get a prize under my pillow

like a couple of prozac and a big fat dose of ambien, that was what i needed right?

has my personality been boiled down to the tar that existed within, so that they could slap a label on me and lock me away

the man in the white coat was on a mission to keep me sick, he made his money by putting a label on me...

then to treat me he prescribes drugs that bring kickbacks in his pocket, the hospital has a vendetta against the sick

see we live in a society where healthcare is a joke, the sick rarely get treatment and those who are well are treated like cattle...

in my world there is only sickness, a permanent sickness you know... the kind that medicine and treatment won't get rid of

maybe i was exactly what they had labelled me with... or maybe... just maybe, they were all wrong.... and i was right.

either way, i will be judged for the rest of my life by what they have done... and worst of all, i don't even get to see my son...

as if it weren't bad enough to go through a divorce, try having someone make you out to be the bad guy...

then take away everything you have had for the last ten years, see how you feel...

whatever, i know no one gives a damn about it... but i am the one having to live in it....

so ugly, i know...


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