A Parent's Call to Life

Scared little starlight holding on,

Hoping your pain will soon be gone.

But strong you fight with all your might,

You shall see the new day’s dawn.

Healing hands, double-edged swords,

What carries a small risk also affords,

Life-giving medicine to help you jettison;

Healthier days - and smiles - for rewards.

The mind so young will not recall,

But sears in ours your defenseless call.

To a loving parent it’s very transparent,

We are your rock, your island, your wall.

Life yet to be known among mankind,

So much you will do, so much you will find.

Tiny angels once living had parents ungiving,

How many would regretfully try to rewind?

Throughout life think of this final thought;

One day you may have to choose to take or take not.

But if you act to save, then life you selflessly gave.

Humanity will be glad that you fought.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Published 8/13/07.

Inspired by an 8-hour visit to the ER last night to address my 16 month-old son's labored breathing and week-long fever.  Thankfully he only had mild pneumonia but it was a scare for this new Dad.

I am now driven more than ever to cherish life and to compel others not to make hasty or selfish decisions against the innocent, defenseless, and unborn...the most precious thing on Earth.

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