The Best Thing I've Ever Done

As the clouds form at the peak of the mountain

And the sun sets behind the tree's

We can feel the warmth cool so thin

The rain gently falls with a little breeze

We drive to station five

And park along the hill

We just feel so alive

Our hearts sinking even still

Making our way to the rugged path

That many have traveled before

Anxiety flows throughout our minds

A long night is in store

And so we start up the mountain

The steepness digging inside my knee's

The adrenaline just rushing within

The top we cant wait to see

And so the night grows on and on

The path never to end

We just look upon the light ahead

We just look towards that bend

And so the sun starts to raise

We're almost to the top

Turning as the sun hits the sky's

The beauty just hits the spot

As I sit there on that hill

The fog just dissipates

Like God just bent on down

Just blowing the clouds away

Were high up in the sky

Just looking below

Seeing the clouds hovering so high

It looks like a blanket of snow

And so we make it to the top

The beauty amazing as it may

This was the best thing I’ve ever done

Even to this day

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