First step

Everyone always told me

You can't touch the moon

You won't be famous

And you won't be popular


Look at me now

I'm as high as I've ever been

And you can't drag me down

Not anymore and not ever again


This is the first step

To the big show

To the dream 

We were always told was impossible

This is the first step

And this dream came true


I was always told dreaming

Dreaming big

Was ludicrous 

But if no one does

Who becomes the one

The one we inspire to be


This is the first step

To the big show

To the dream 

We were always told was impossible

This is the first step

And this dream came true


Yeah I'm standing here 

On the stage ahead of you

While you're in the back

Taping your foot to the beat

Just like tap tap tap


No one should tell you

Any of those lies

I was once where you are

But look at me now

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