October 18th, 2018
We used to cuddle and talk about life
We dreamed about the day I would be the trophy wife
You were a hard worker and showed signs that you cared
I thought together we were perfect when paired
Skip just a little to when we began to have a baby or two
You were everything I could of wanted or ever knew
We did everything together as a family
It was just us and it had every possibility
Just just a few more years
Look at those tears
You backed me in a corner and I cried
I killed and I lied
Here we are today
And I want to run but my feet wont move that way
Im stuck in this web we have tangled
I have emotions and children that keep it mangled
You are cutting me with each I love you
I though I knew what was true
I thought I knew exactly who you were
But all of that has become a blur