





 Therese no fade switch or off and on,

carrying what you feel till your gone,

Making it a laugh, a story, or a song,

Why is intuition set to double exposure,

The past dictating the now over the shoulder,

But shouldn't we Guard the flames like a soldier,

With times sweet lips of longing,

Just being and Belonging,

Warm Moments of comfortable understanding,

Looking at each other with equal standing,

A light touch, a hint of a spark,

Life is a dream in the dark,

The Embers of intoxicated yearning ,

Body's of passion burning,

Little moon with a blue hue,

I wish i could be among the stars sitting next to you.

But i'm at the bottom, Looking up

Living in lifes well or is it a cup

Never tasted the fall or heard the plop

Do i drink or Am i the last drop? 

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