I woke up today with you,
My Little Angel;
We took a ride together
and our hearts beat together
and I'm sure we cried together.
As a parent you have to make so many choices,
You have to weigh up all the pro's and con's
and then sometimes go with what your heart tells you.
My heart told me that this wasn't our time,
I can't explain why
other than that it wasn't right for you or I.
My eyes are empty,
Where are you now?
Will you forgive me one day
My Little Angel?
Did you feel any pain
My Little Angel?
Do you feel as unloved and hated as I do without you here
My Beautiful Little Angel?
You were wanted.
It just wasn't our time.
I'll never say 'Goodbye',
because you'll be with me until I die.
Tonight I sleep without you.
I killed us both tonight.
I love you My Little Angel.