Old Man

Tired of writing about love,

I'd rather write about the above,

About how we're all just getting ass fucked,

By sitting in our birdcages and eating through the wires.

Now some of you strange fuckers might be into that shit,

You might not be able to get enough of it,

But for me I'd rather be free,

And not bent over backwards in some fucking shackle,

Just waiting to be told to 'Stop' and 'Go'.

Light your cigar and laugh that laugh,

That makes people think before crossing your path,

But don't think that it scares them,

No, just prepares them,

As any minute now you're going to let them off,

And just have them promise to show you gratitiude and thanks.


We all get fucked over,

You're no different,

Put your pipe away old man,

Because pretty soon there's going to be another of you,

When he comes you're going to find yourself balding and grey,

With a lot of debts to pay,

Enjoy your last day.

Old man.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not a lot of people will understand this. I pity you.

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