This Shell

Can't I have your golden hair?

Can't I have the way you stare?

Can't I have your hour-glass figure?

Can't my breasts be that bit bigger?

Can't I have a smaller nose?

Can't I have thinner toes?

Can't I have a pretty face?

Can't I be full of grace?

Can't I have your pretty eyes?

Can't I have one of those guys?

Can't I walk the way you do?

Can't I have a love that's true?

I don't want this shit black hair.

I don't want those freckles there.

I don't want these fat arms.

I don't want my stinking 'charm'.

I don't want to be your friend,

I want to be the one til the end.

Why can't I be someone else?

I'm in Hell.

I'm sick of being stuck in this shell...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was so depressed and insecure about how I looked and I'd have given anything to be the 'Beautiful Girl' you see in magazines.

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