What's Real Is We.

I'm sorry my friend but your love doesn't exist,

You've got your head clouded, your wires mixed,

I know that you must hate my guts for this sin,

Especially when I stand tall, bear it and grin...

You'll hate me more back at home,

When you find your 'love' is hard as stone.

Cry for your 'love' and cry for the 'why?'

Cry for your broken heart, and cry for I,

I am the one fixed in this place,

Happy and waking to his smiling face.

Safe and loved as a child. Protected by crime,

In love and in lust, all at the same time,

Sooner or later, you'll have to see,

What's real matters. And what's real is we.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was aimed at someone who would do anything to get what was once hers. She failed to see that although she was fun, she wasn't me. She didn't have what him and I had and no amount of sex could take that away from us.

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