Thank You For Being Here Right Now

Your voice stops these tears that are stinging to flow,

You hold onto me tightly so I'm not alone,

Even though I am - you make me feel safe, you know.

Your kisses and your hugs hide away the pain,

And I pray that we'll always be this happy,

Without you, I shiver and shake like I'm insane.

I know she's not going too far away,

I've always got you and my family,

But I just wish she could stay.

It's getting darker now and I know it's almost time,

Facing the music is harder than I thought it would be,

But I know that in the end, it's going to be alright...

Cause I've got you, Dad, John and Bobbie.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Going through such a hard time - so thank you so much for being here right now. You're so addictive. <3

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