What Is He To You?

So what is he to you

The things he makes you do

Moved on

To someone who will do better

Someone who will care.

But he still tries to mess you up.

Still tries.

So what is he to you?

The one who tries to turn you against what you love

The one who tries to make you hate everyone

The one who encourages you to be depressed

The one who builds up your stress

Still tries.

So what is he to you?

Now that hes been depressed

And he attacks you

But you may not react as you normally would

In fears of making him pull suicide though.

What is he to you?

Tell him to fuck off

Tell him hes out of luck

Tell him you don’t care

Because hes lost his chance

He's broken you

Still he tries

So what is he to you?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes relationships can be so abusive that you sincerely believe that you need them in order to survive and to be who you are. You'd be wrong. These kinds of relationships are so dangerous and need to be broken away from. It's funny because, although I wrote it for someone else, I can see it applying to myself a lot, too.

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