

How stupid was I?

How vain...

To think you wouldn't subject me to

This pain.

I did it to him,

You did it to her,

Now look at us both.

The tables have turned.

I sat up.


For you to come back.

Instead you were with her,

Telling her all the crap,

That you once told me,

And the rest of your numbers,

What a bitter revenge,

And an odd situation.

I'm no better than you,

And I'm no fucking worse,

The fact of it is,

Our egos are our curse,

We love to love ourselves,

And if anyone gets in the way,

We'll cut them fucking down,

Just like you did to me that day.

And I'm not even angry,

Just hurt and annoyed,

That I actually trusted you,

Not to do something that I've done, too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Unfinished but oh well. I won't be editing it.

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