yet making no sound

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i struggle to break the surface
to catch one sweet breath
im splashing wildly, yet making no sound
the ripples reach the water's edge
and the fight continues

a hand reaches me and pulls with surprising force
kicking, screaming, yet making no sound
mommy, help me, im desperate
daddy, help me, im begging
anyone, help me, why cant you hear me

im screaming to your hardened hearts
no one cares enough to save me
to save me from this festering puddle
a puddle that has grown so deep and so wide
i can no longer see to the top, or to the bottom, or to the sides
it keeps sucking me down without mercy

im gagged by an unknown source
well, unknown to those who choose to look away
i am gagged by fear
the fear of rejection
the fear that i will no longer be loved
i yearn to be wanted
i search for that warm, happy niche
though, it seems to be hiding

im treading this thick fluid
unable to reach a hand
unable to feel
an unhealable scar
the skin is distorted and discolored
it holds an ugly truth
the story stays in its cage
rattling its shackles and gnashing at the bars
kicking, screaming, yet making no sound

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