Moving forward

Why is it so hard to leave ? 

When I can barely even breathe. 

Every night I shed a tear,

As I no longer recognize the girl standing in the mirror.

I see the fear weighing on her heavy eyes, 

A girl who has heard multiple lies.

She’s trembling inside her thoughts, 

Overwhelmed of a life that leaves her in distraught.

Openly searching for courage to grow, 

Yet failing to move forward, as my energy is low.

I lie here brokenly in the darkness, 

Creating illusions of shining bright stars, hoping my sadness will disappear.

Ever so broken, I am a still figure, that has lost touch with the world,

Desperately, searching for someone to help me breathe. 

Save me. 

For I  am lost in this world, it is time that I rebuild me. 

The real me, the person I once was before you knocked me down.

Brave is what I want to be, 

Shimmering with courage and confidence to be free.

Escaping my life from you, 

Is exactly what I need to do. 

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