I saw ants
March on my floor
Those little monsters
I abhor
One by one
Then two by two
Suddenly, there was
Quite a few
I saw them here
I saw them there
And then I saw them
As panic struck
I stepped away
But they were on me
I was their prey
On my legs
And on my back
It became
An ant attack
So I said wait
I need some bait
Or some sort of, ATTRACT-ANT
So they’d go there
And eat their share
While it was still ABUND-ANT
But first I had
To them subdue
And reached for some REPELL-ANT
A can of Raid
I found and sprayed
On myself, which was UNPLEAS-ANT
As I recall
The aerosol
Was not so very, FRAGR-ANT
But, I let it flow
From head to toe
So had to be quite TOLER-ANT
And with each death
I took a breath
And thought that I was BRILLI-ANT
But alas
It came to pass
That I was just too IGNOR-ANT
Because they swarm
Any life form
It was to them an IRRIT-ANT
So back they came
At me again
And this time, were more CONFID-ANT
No stupid spray
Gets in their way
They were back, in an INST-ANT
So I ran
To the can
Followed by, each tiny TYR-ANT
Jumped in the tub
Gave me a scrub
But they became just BUOY-ANT
They swam around
And did not drowned
They seemed to be ABSORB-ANT
With shower on
I finally found
A way to make them DIST-ANT
And watched them flow
Down that drain hole
They no longer seemed so FLIPP-ANT
But how to rouse
Them from my house
And be rid, of this INFEST-ANT
Did make me sweat
A little bit
As I pondered my PREDICEM-ANT
Alas I found
Something profound
That would make them less RAMP-ANT
Gave up decor
Pissed on the floor
Which made them a little FLAGR-ANT
So a little pee
Made each one be
A fleeing little PISS-ANT
BOEMS by JA 181