T’was the night before Christmas

And in his outhouse

Sat Ja quietly listening        

To waltz’s, by Strauss.

(Really, he was leafing thru Penthouse)


The shitter was fitted

With all manner of lights

That couldn’t be missed

No matter what heights


When up on the roof

There arose such a clatter

Ja, kicked open the door

To see what was the matter


So there sat Ja

With his pants pulled down

His ass in a hole

On his forehead, a frown


He leaped up so quickly

Through the doorway to pass

Tripped over his pants

And fell on his ass


Then flat on his back

His bare ass in the snow

He looked up to see

The roof all aglow


Poor Santa had landed                       

On that, small, sloped roof

But there wasn’t enough room

For sleigh, and each tiny hoof


Ja had decorated everything

So the outhouse, shone bright

And Santa mistook it

When he arrived that night


The reindeer slid off

Were hanging by their straps

And Santa had saved them

By grabbing, the roof flaps


Poor Rudolph fell the farthest

Boy, was his nose beaming

Just then, losing his grip

Santa started screaming


Fly Dancer, fly Vixen

Fly Donner, fly Blitzen

Don’t let me fall into

This shit, Ja was fixin


Then just like magic

They started to float

And Santa, raising his fist

Did this warning shout


Be very careful old man

I’ll get you some day

Stay alert Christmas Eve

Don’t get in my way


Now, each Christmas Eve

Ja, won’t step foot out that door

Cause he knows that Santa is waiting

To even the score

BOEMS BY JA 18              



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