Harmless Addictions

...it's hard to disconnect. However hard we try to forget our addictions, they'll remain with us for as long as we feed them. Even the harmless ones...

harmless addictions

...honesty is the key. However successful your work is, only your soul can inspire those who are exposed to it. Even if it's just a localised exposure...

localised honesty

...be clear & precise. However convincing your convictions are, the arguments must remain justifiable. Even the petty ones...

petty justification

...it's hard to be motivated. However efficiently we conform to our inevitable surroundings, escape will always be the great motivator. Even for the highest rungs...

inevitable motivation

...detachement is the key. However determined your aspirations may be, only abandoning greed will truly satisfy. Even if it's just want of peace...

detached peace

...be strong & endure. However convincing the suffering may be, the pain must surpass the joy of living. Even for an anonymous exit...

endurable exit

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