You have been the greatest friend,
doubting you to keep my promises,
not believing in you cause I was afraid,
of loosing you over my own past.
I told you more but not the rest,
I'm ashamed and I feel like a fest,
being used and abused makes me feel,
like a never closing heal for a seal, of safety.
I'll try my best to open up,
to understand you want to help me,
I love that your here and will stay,
I'll never worry about you going away.
Being used makes me feel so empty inside, dark and lonely,
like trying to run away with no stride,
screaming inside for help to come, it never came,
no one came, and no one cared.
They thought it was me who did it,
I shattered with pain, my heart turning to ice,
scared to death but try to scream again, I fell limp with years of tears,
never again did I scream for help, they shattered my trust replaced with fear.