Whispers of the heart.

TITLE: (Whispers of the Heart)


In the quiet of the evening glow,  

Where shadows dance and soft winds blow,  

I find your laughter in the air,  

A melody that lingers there.


Your eyes, two stars in twilight's embrace,  

Reflect the dreams that time can't erase.  

With every glance, my heart takes flight,  

A journey woven in the night.


Your touch, a gentle, tender breeze,  

Unraveling my worries with such ease.  

In the tapestry of moments shared,  

I see the love that we have dared.


Through seasons change and rivers flow,  

In every storm, our love will grow.  

With every heartbeat, every sigh,  

Together, love, we’ll learn to fly.


So take my hand, let’s chase the dawn,  

With you, my dear, I am reborn.  

In this dance of life, just you and I,  

Forever bound, beneath the sky.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Thank you for this beautiful piece. Written by Louie Thesinger. All recognition go to Louie Thesinger. 

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