Fear - the Parasite

Fear is unacceptablee dear friends !

For a much beloved child of God,

Who provides with largess and commends

Courage, Trust and Faith and speaks:: "Fear not"!

Fear will ferret out and dig a hole

In the ground to put fine talents in,

So the latter can not reach their goal,

But bewail in tears what might have been.


Fear's the very opposite of faith,

Lo! It trusts not God nor fellow men,

Thus it hops around devoid of grace

Like a limping, clucking Cornish hen.

Fear is is like the  insect nuisance flea,

Buzzing, whizzing round the dinner plate,

Buzzing round until  inanity

Strikes the most resourceful dinner mate.

Fear leads  to the land of Lodebar,

As may do some well elected chief,

With his blockheads of too many a Czar

Who are dullest 'mongst the sons of Eve.

Fear's  adverse to enterprising zest,

Is disposed to stun and paralize,

Yet it spreads  alike the Rinderpest,

Shirking  offering of gift and  tithe.

Fear is vain and inappropriate,

For a child of God, and God's delight

Unacceptable,- eliminate

The dull deadbeat, tightwad parasite.

Fear is like the crawling boll weevil.

Whose  cocoons  that eat the cotton tree,

And keep eating on and on until

It will crack by its voracity.

Listen to  thr voice of  Him that said:

Through the ages long- "Behold fear not,"

I AM  with you child, be not afraid !-

I AM HE who IS,  your Lord and God".


(C) Elizabeth Dandy

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