Allegiance Oath to BB/MOM

"The queen of battling knights and mother dear

Is BB/MOM speaks Arthur, king,- t’is clear!

So knights now swear obedience in troth,

Put sword tips on the table with your oath"!

To BB/MOM allegiance  swear the  knights,

Brave warriors,  hardened from so many fights,-

Fair bards attend and witness the great scene,

One bard a big-mouth, and one bard serene.

They witness the so great solemnity,

Recording it for all posterity,

A missile’s sent out all around the world,

While Camelot’s bright banners are unfurled.

The missile does explode as it draws nigh,

Its potent message no one can  defy,

“Allegiance, troth and fealty BB/MOM”-

This  wondrous missile  reaches e very home.

Lo! Arthur King, so much desires her,

To quick forget the fair queen Guinevere,

T’is BB/MOM, - to her belongs his heart,

She had removed from his big nose a wart.

Her touch did it,- behold her touch, - her touch!

Charmed an old warrior hobbling on a crutch,

And so resourceful is the Blessed One,

That fighting men call simply “BB/MOM”

Wise  Merline, counselor, magi,  wizard, elf,

Told Arthur: “Keep the Blessed for yourself!,

It’s bb/mom that is the warrior queen,

Let Guinevere with her maidens spin”

The Green Knight screams in boundless jealousy,-

Parbleu!  my  king, - the Blessed is for me,!

“She’s mine  you scoundrels utters Lancelot,

Beneath his breath, and curses  Camelot!”

“Shut up you  Frenchman!, speaks Grail Knight Gawain,

Or else - beware! -  Lo!  BB/MOM is mine!-

A battle fierce breaks out amongst the knights,

Till Arthur, King,  blows torches out and lights.

“Lo! BB/MOM went fishing,- what a catch!

A trout,- or carp - no other fish can match,

Let‘s have a meal and celebrate the Blessed,-

Instead of fighting - this is my request!”

Let’s celebrate brave knights and sing and shout:

“She went a-fishing and the caught a trout,

A Feast! a Feast! -  staunch  warriors come on!!

And Hail the  warrior. queen,- dear BB/MOM!

© Elizabeth Dandy



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