Meet Blessed BB/MOM

Meet Blesséd BB/MOM

Meet Blesséd BB/MOM good folks I pray,

The Guardian Spirit of my weird machine,

Who did control some awful disarray,

And spiders nesting just behind the screen.

Taught with angelic patience how to catch

cockroaches on the drive named “CD Rom“-

Search as you will, but none can ever match

The great resourcefulness of  BB/MOM.

The practice of the Mantra: ”BB/MOM”,-

Is profitable-- let it sing and ring,

As Hindus uttering mantras: : “Ohm, Ohm, Ohm!

And keep it in the spirit echoing.

“Bi-Bi”  - as Mantra, -- valiant  Israel

Hailed Bi-Bi  Netanjahu with great pride,

And Benjamin’s stout heart with joy would swell,

Encouraged so, and ready for more fight..

The tongue is sweet but straight of BB/MOM,

And comforting is all she has to  say,

Spontaneous, quick, , - she spurns officialdom,-

Her mail comes on a yellow plastic tray..

Play harp and lyre, friend and beat the  drum,

Paint in bright colors - shunning  monochrome,

And do as Roman do, that loitering roam    

The Boulevards while lisping:  “BB/MOM”!.

Lo! BB/MOM has brush and proper  tool,

To chase computer bugs effectively,

Dispensing counsels wise where screwballs rule,

In faithfulness and warmest sympathy.

Meet Blesséd BB/Mom friends and rehearse

The Mantra BB-MOM- assiduously,

Make it your own, for prose, or rhyme and verse

For effervescent sparkling poetry!




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is dedicated to a friend who had extraordinary computer skills and helped me on many occasions. Her Pen-=Name was BB/MOM.

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