Mute flames of love, poured by your grace divine,
Infused into my lax and wavering soul,
Will free the spirit from its close confine
To spread its wings to reach its final goal.
Your scepter, King of Kings, Lord Sovereign!
Be mankind’s oriflamme and beacon bright
To guide all mankind through life’s tears and pain
Into your heaven of eternal light.
Magda Doppelmayr
translated by Elizabeth Dandy
Dein Scepter, oh meine Koenig, das alle Welt regiert,
Sei unrer Menschheit Fahne die uns zum Himmel fuehrt.
Und landet einst mein Schifflein nach dieser Welt voll Pein,
Dann darf ich Oh mein Koenig in Dir geborgen sein.
Feast of Christ the King
November 2012