And spreads its stink through body, mind and soul;
Without redress for suffered ills and pain
The rankling wound will mend against its grain.
Lusting for flesh - hurt angry wolves will growl,
And in their irritation bite and howl.
Attend the wound,- squelch, quell,- blot out the sting
Caused by the thorn that keeps on festering.
And pray attend the wound while under way,-
The pilgrims way,- if not some knave will slay
Or take to jail the the one that struck the wound
And keep him there in iron fetters bound.
You will not exit therefrom till defrayed
The cost, and the last penny has been paid*
So hurry to the wounded and repair
The ill with medicine of love and care.
With assuaging unguent then restore
The bonds of faith and trust to heal the sore;
'Cause all the "Healings" heaven's mercy sends
Pass through your hands- demanding prompt amends.
*Mathews 5.25-26
So, if you are about to offer your gift to God at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once to make peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift to God.