
The date is set, authorities agreed-

And trust  “live” viewing  “meets the urgent need”

Of stricken relatives who’ll watch this May

The death-blow dealt toTimothy McVeigh.

Close-circuit viewing--justices believe

Will sooth the grief of friend and relative;

What comfort, satisfaction can it be

To watch full-view the ultimate penalty?

Dark Middle-Ages had their roll-drums ring,

Announce a hanging, - “Come all! - watch him swing”

This modern age provides thick plexiglass,

Which does not serve to render it less crass.

Closed-Circuit cast,  the “process“. is for now-

But hot debates  assure us  that the show

Will soon be offered us  at dinner table-

Through network viewing or extended cable.

We may -if need be -even take a break

From viewing, lest we burn a juicy steak;

Deluded viewers think they  will derive

The needed comfort to go on with life.

The question though is: - will it truly sooth

The simmering ache, - or open avenues

For unknown feelings  of much more distress

From which it could be to hard to convalesce!

Raw circuses,- of  heathen Rome of yore

Rose from the dead, and knock on our door.

Too dull to feel  unease, awe, or distress,

The yearning grows for “Bread and Circuses“!

Rome fell, we know, - historiographers say

There was - they wrote - “societal decay”-

Its culture crumbled and was soon replaced

By alien folk that had superior taste.-

With  the  impressive showing  done and over-

The sated  weary viewers might discover

That clerk and housewife, socialite or slut

Had  viewed the repayment of smut with smut.  

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