Mr. Sun vs. Mr. Moon

A cosmic battle of the century!

In this corner, Mr. "Sun"

and his burning, procrustean rage.

And in this corner Mr. "Moon"

and his nonchalant, opaque appearance.

Who will triumph?

Get ready… Fight!

OH! A roundhouse punch by Mr. "Sun"

knocking his opponent down.

"Moon" gets up. Eh!

A low blow to the crotch!

"Sun" takes it hard!

He's wincing in excruciating pain!

(Must be painful!)

Uh-oh! "Sun" somehow trips "Moon".

WHOA! Head bashing time!

"Moon's" head is getting bloody.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five time in a row!!!


"Moon" escapes and throws "Sun" aside.

Now the two are circling each other

like belligerent wolves fighting for the kill.

Both grapple each other…

It appears both are attempting

to knock the other to the floor.

Mr. "Sun" loses equilibrium…

AMAZING! "Moon" has "Sun" in an arm lock.

He circles around.

"Moon" kicks the back of "Sun's" knees.

"Sun" falls.


A plummeting kick atop "Sun's" face!

It looks like "Sun" is knocked out!

Winner: "Moon"!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I read yesterday something interesting in a magazine article (National Geographic). In Australia, during a solar eclipse, the Aborigines believe that the Sun and the Moon are in conflict (They're fighting). The Moon knocked out the Sun which to them explains why it's dark outside. And so, they must sing songs and prepare bonfires to wake up the Sun. Interesting, huh? Just something to write about. But it made me laugh making this you know! What if the two people I know, my first friend S------ a.k.a. "Moon" and "Pinky" a.k.a. "Sun" actually met. (These two don't know each other by the way) and these two fought against each other? LOL!   Sorry. I don't condone nor respect violence but this is funny to think about to me… Just an interesting prospect.   But I mean who "would" win if those two fought?  And in addition, I wouldn't know who to root for. I'd be stuck in the middle. Hmmm… I'm envisioning it right now. I'd guess Moon would win. Just a guess. Or a bet. Shall we bet? Twenty bucks goes to Moon if he can knock out Sun cold! LOL!   Naw, I'm not like that.

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