
This morning I stood there for a while, watching the colors of the sky change. As the sun rose higher, like water spilled on a priceless work of art, the vivid brilliance ran and mingled together to form a new version of what once painted the sky. Not quite as beautiful as before but still magnificiant in its own right. Still worthy of having someone stop and appreciate it. After a while everything blended into a murky grey, like a brush dipped one too many times. Asking for forgiveness is almost as hard to do as forgiving. To hold onto the past can hurts and can lead to a deep burning anger that is hard to quench. The murky water can cloud your judgment and keep you from seeing the bigger picture. We as people can choose to remain lost in a cup that's had the brush dipped one too many times or move to a cup with fresh clean water and finish painting the masterpiece we started.

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