Declaration of Freedom

Feelings of temptation

Overtake my mind,

Yet strength in Christ, my savior,

I shall daily find.

My weaknesses exposed

To the enemy;

I’m reminded of my Savior

In Gethsemane.

“Not mine own, but thy will be done”

The humble prayer did plead.

Just the same, and more for me,

His will is what I need.

Alone in stand I quickly fall

For my flesh is weak,

So, with my Lord and Savior,

Fellowship I seek.

At the cross of Calvary,

The victory of Love

Was obtained and granted me

By the grace of God above.

The victory still sweeter

Was found on Sunday morn,

For victory over the grave allowed

The dead to be reborn.

So when I face temptation,

This will be my plea

“Get the hence from me, Satan,

Christ Jesus hath made me free!”

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This Poem expresses the victory that we as believers have over sin and temptation because in Christ we are new creatures.

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