The Legend

Legends and Heroes

He's the fastest man in town

He's feared by all the rest

He's only 5 foot 9

But he stands above the best.

From his boots and spurs to his hat and brim

Dusty vest and worn out jeans

His leather chaps and buckled belts

To his sides the holsters cling

Hands down at his sides

He is ready at any time

He'll have 'em out to shoot you down

At the turn of a dime

The meanest eyes you've ever seen

No one can stare him down

Roughest of all of his kind

None better in any town

Even when absent from his Colt

You don't want to get in this man's way

Cause the first time you run into this cowboy

May be your very last day

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem in the light of the legendary cowboy.  I know this isn't how the real cowboy was, but it just came to me, i hope you enjoyed it.

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